Harpursville Teacher's Association
What is the HTA?
Harpursville Teacher's Association is a member of NYSUT (New York State United Teachers). HTA has approximately 100 members in two buildings (W. A. Olmsted Elementary and HCS High School). Harpursville is located about 20 miles NE of Binghamton, NY.
On the "Links" page there are several downloads that may be of interest:
1. Major Medical and Optical Reimbursement Forms
2. The HTA Constitution
3. The latest Issues of the HTA News
HTA Officers 2016-17
President -
Pam Nelson
Vice President -
Kurt Ehrensbeck
Recording Sect -
Megan Ramsden
Corresponding Sect. - Emily Koval
Treasurer -
Colleen Murphy
Building Reps. -
HS: Nicole Cole & Kevin McNamara
Elem: Terese Moriarity
HTA Officers are listed at right
NYSUT Member Benefits
Click on the link below to go to the NYSUT Member's Benefits site.